As part of Pearland’s strategic priority of ensuring sustainable infrastructure, work to systematically replace all of Regency Park Subdivision streets, improve drainage and replace the aged waterline is substantially complete.
The construction project was originally slated to be a 12-month project completed in phases; however, the project will be complete later this month – three months ahead of schedule.
The Regency Park Subdivision (located east of Old Alvin Rd. and north of Broadway St.) paving and drainage project consisted of the phased demolition of all existing streets and the reconstruction of approximately a mile of concrete pavement, improvements to the drainage system and the addition of curb inlets. Several hydrants and a new water main system were installed. Additionally, a second emergency use only access (to meet current Fire Code requirements and basic sound design practices) was added to the Pearland Junior High East parking lot, thanks to cooperation with Pearland Independent School District. Complete reconstruction is consistent with the complete reconstruction concept of replacing all aged infrastructure within the right-of-way with a road reconstruction project where it is cost effective. Such total reconstruction is avoided whenever possible by regular maintenance and smaller annual repairs, but sometimes does become required.
In recent years, the condition of the street pavement and waterlines throughout Regency Park Subdivision, the city’s oldest concrete-paved subdivision, have become unsustainable. Previous efforts over the last three to five years to address continuing pavement failures, through point repairs and panel replacement, will no longer economically address the size and scope of the issue. The City’s Right-of-Way Assessment recently established that the Pavement Condition Index for the subdivision scored 43 out of a possible 100, well below the City’s average score of 76. In addition, the water distribution has been the source of numerous breaks and leaks, aggravated by soil movement over the past ten years. The original subdivision drainage design was based on earlier storm water inlet criteria, which is undersized by today’s standards. Although the system is intact and functional, larger curb inlets with updated spacing will prevent localized ponding. The Preliminary Engineering Report developed for the project by Binkley and Barfield recommended the complete reconstruction of all streets in the subdivision and replacement of the water distribution system.
Since the contractual obligations have been achieved, the contractor has begun to focus on replacing residential driveways beyond the right-of-way by entering into separate contracts with individual property owners who have chosen to make those investments. The private driveway work will provide an even slope, free of settlement cracks and raised pavement, and will match the newly installed concrete. Property owners received agreements from the contractor several months ago and approximately 25 owners have requested private driveway replacements. This work should be complete within four to six weeks before the contractor demobilizes all equipment and crew. Any resident interested in having their driveway replaced should contact the contractor no later than February 19. The contractor will not begin any new work after that date.
For more information visit The Journal article HERE