In the early hours of August 7th, 2016, 7 individuals, including Landev’s Bob Boozer, boarded a plane in Houston Texas, just before daybreak. Their destination; Cap-Haïtien, Haiti; an island still recovering from the lasting effects of a major natural disaster. The 2010 Earthquake was devastating to the nation’s infrastructure, and Haiti’s access to the necessary tools for survival are lacking; notably the access to clean water.
On August 8th the team began their week long assignment. Through the nonprofit organization, Living Water International, they drilled a new water well and taught basic hygiene skills to serve a Village of over a thousand Haitians. The work was grueling, exhausting and detrimental to the team’s health, though they knew that it only lasted a week; they were here for Haiti, not themselves. The trip was a success, and on August 13th, 2016 the well was dedicated by the Living Water team and Haitian villagers.