We are celebrating Engineers Week and are featuring some of our engineers here at the Binkley & Barfield Family of Companies!
Q&A with Benjamin Berardino, PE
What initially sparked your interest in engineering?
My interest started from at the age of 3, playing with toy trucks/ trains. By 5-6 I would create detailed “child” sketches of trucks/trains. My grandpa bought me my first electric train set at 6 and my dad had it all set up under the tree on Christmas morning which was a quite memorable moment of my childhood. From then on until I was 8 I created my own train villages under the tree with infrastructure and detailed construction sites. From 8-12, my dad let me occupy the basement game room where I put up a large permanent year-round train display which allowed me to exercise my childhood creativity. I always figured this childhood passion would somehow turn into something greater. After becoming a teen, my interests matured away from the toy trucks/trains and transitioned into baseball, skateboarding and guitar. I took CAD classes through high school which I absolutely loved and excelled in. When it came time towards the end of high school to meet with advisers about possible career paths, all of my past experience just clicked in my mind and engineering was my obvious choice. My love of heavy machinery is what pushed me towards civil engineering.
What part of your job do you find most challenging?
Keeping up with new and changing software. Being fluent in different software is a major key to success in our industry, but there is a myriad of software platforms implemented so never become that old dog that can’t learn new tricks.
What advice would you give to someone interested in pursuing transportation engineering?
I would ask them to think about their past and how their passions tie into the realm of work to make sure it is for them and to also help find a focus within the field. One should always have a greater goal in mind and never fear about whether their goal is too great or aggressive, but rather that it can actually be reached by a set of realistic sub-goals. Lastly, I would suggest to research the field online and understand the different disciplines and exactly what they involve before making any decisions so that their efforts are invested wisely.
What’s been the most interesting place you’ve traveled to?
Italy. I particularly loved the beautiful island of Capri and the stunning Amalfi coast.