On April 7th & 8th, Austin Brauel, PE, ENV SP of Landev Engineers; Shishir Manjunath of BBI’s SUE group; and Aaron Orozco, EIT of BBI’s Public Infrastructure group volunteered at the ASCE booth for the 30th Annual McDonald’s Houston Children’s Festival—the largest children’s festival in the United States! Students of all ages across Houston learned about STEM concepts by participating in ASCE’s “Straw Bridge” activity allowing them the opportunity to design a small structure and test it to failure.
To date the McDonald’s Houston Children’s Festival has raised over $5.5 million dollars to assist Child Advocates, Inc.’s mission of breaking the viciodus cycle of child abuse through the help of court appointed volunteers. These volunteers represent the best interests of a child or sibling group in foster care by serving as the judge’s eyes and ears while the children are in custody, ensuring their unique needs are met until they can safely return home or are permanently place with a relative or adoptive family. For more information the McDonald’s Houston Children’s Festival, click here.
The BBI Family of Companies is honored to have participated in such a great event and can’t wait to volunteer next year!