BBI’s Austin and Richardson offices came together to support the first annual banquet for the 3/112 Armor Regiment of the Texas Army National Guard on August 18, 2018.
The banquet offered a variety of foods to about 150 soldiers and their families. According to BBI’s Senior Design Technician Dale Hughes, “We cooked nine briskets, six racks of ribs, 100 hot links, five pork butts, 10 whole chickens, 25 pounds of beans, 20 pounds of potato salad, 20 pounds of cole slaw; we had one double sheet cake, 15 various pies, 12 cases of sodas, and 10 gallons of tea. Binkley & Barfield’s contribution to the reunion was used to help pay for this. Thanks so much!”
Dale’s personal history with the Texas Army National Guard spans almost two decades, as he served from 1989 to 2007 in the highest-ranking role of Staff Sergeant E-6. Dale was the recipient of numerous awards with the Texas Army National Guard, including the Army Commendation Medals with Valor, six Army Achievement Medals, eight Adjutant General Awards, an Overseas Medal, and the Iraqi Freedom Medal. He was also recognized as Battalion and Company Non-Commissioned Officer of the Year.
Dale’s company also has a rich history of its own. “This battalion has been around since WW1” he said. “It was originally part of the 36th Infantry Regiment, then changed to the 49th armored Regiment, and now back to the 36th Infantry again. Audie Murphy, the most decorated soldier of the 2nd World War, was part of the regiment. Our Battalion’s mission was mainly convoy security, route clearance, and Forward Operating Base Security. My company specifically was convoy escort.”
Thank you, Dale for all your years of service and dedication. We hope to see many more reunions like this one in the future!