How has Landev helped you to develop and expand your professional career as an engineer?
I have definitely had to grow in all aspects of engineering since coming to Landev. I’ve had to be more hands-on during the design phase—from making decisions on how something needs to be designed to calling vendors and having custom structures or pipes designed for my projects. During the construction phase of projects, I answer questions from contractors and review pay estimates and change orders to keep the projects running smoothly. Recently, I have been more involved in business development, meeting potential clients and learning about new projects and up-and-coming areas for development.
What initially sparked your interest in engineering?
My mom is a Civil Engineer, my dad is a Mechanical Engineer, and my sister is an Engineer as well, so engineering is in the family!
What advice would you give girls who want to be an engineer when they grow up?
Go for it! Go ahead and take the classes that you like in school with the guys, and don’t be afraid to get in the middle of projects to learn and understand how things work.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?
I would say being able to fly because I don’t like sitting in traffic!
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