Northeast Water Purification Plant Expansion
City of Houston | Houston, Texas
Binkley & Barfield | DCCM partnered with the Houston Waterworks Team to perform a progressive design-build project to expand the existing City of Houston Northeast Water Purification Plant from 80 million gallons per day to 400 million gallons per day treatment capacity.
Binkley & Barfield | DCCM was responsible for the structural and process mechanical design of the new raw water intake pump station, which is located 1,000 feet offshore in the middle of Lake Houston. It has an access bridge and pump station platform with ten 1,000 horsepower vertical turbine pumps capable of delivering up to 560 million gallons per day (ultimate capacity) of raw water from Lake Houston to the Northeast Water Purification Plant.
Binkley & Barfield | DCCM performed structural design modeling and simulation of a 30,000-square-foot pump station platform that supported the pump facility building, pump equipment, piping and electrical switchgears, and process mechanical design to install ten 1,000 horsepower vertical turbine pumps with two 96-inch header pipe, control valves, and a 25-ton bridge crane. The intake pump station platform is 13 feet above the normal water level and is 250 feet long and 120 feet wide on a cast-in-place 1-foot-thick concrete deck with 3.5-foot-deep grade beams. Binkley & Barfield | DCCM designed and analyzed the intake pump station using the finite element program Structural Analysis and Designing Program. The dynamic analyses were also performed to verify the dynamic behavior of the platform under the pump dynamic loads during operation.
Bentley 3D models were used in the final design by structural, architectural, process mechanical, piping, plumbing, instrumentation, and electrical design disciplines. All design models were integrated to detect conflict and complete the final product.