2020 Multi-Street Reconstruction City of Pasadena | Pasadena, Texas Binkley & Barfield | DCCM provided the preliminary design, final design, bidding, and construction phase services for reconstructing 12,220 linear feet of neighborhood residential streets and a collector street within the City of Pasadena. The project comprised nine separate residential streets, including West Park Lane, Madison Avenue, Austin Avenue, Easthaven Drive, Magnolia Street, Tilden Drive, Polk Avenue, Kansas Street, and Llano Street, a major collector. The project scope included the complete reconstruction of existing neighborhood concrete roads, including storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and water line replacements and upgrades. The project also included Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant sidewalks/shared-use paths and ramps, signing and pavement markings, traffic control, a stormwater pollution prevention plan, a complete drainage study, and a geotechnical report. This reconstruction project was bid on a unit price basis before the design began and was executed on a fast-track schedule. This included close coordination between Binkley & Barfield | DCCM and the contractor during the design and continuous coordination with the City of Pasadena and the contractor. This close coordination allowed changes to be quickly made in the field during construction as required. Portions of the project required innovative engineering to provide necessary detention within the limits of the street. This fast-track process will set the path for future projects designed and constructed in Pasadena. The design and reconstruction of all streets were completed in an accelerated schedule of 12 months.