Transmission Counterpoise Project Along Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad

Montgomery County, Texas

With a growing concerns of the effects of the electromagnetic fields generated by the overhead electric transmission lines onto the rails of the tracks managed by Burlington Northern Santa Fe. Binkley & Barfield | DCCM was selected to design and coordinate with the client and Burlington Northern Santa Fe for the installation of a counterpoise system designed to neutralize the electromagnetic fields for 12 miles of paralleling tracks and a 345-kilovolt transmission line.  This counterpoise system was composed of four 500 MCM buried bare copper cables along Burlington Northern Santa Fe right-of-way, two on each side, installed at a strategic distance from the tracks which would provide optimal efficiency of its purpose.  Binkley & Barfield | DCCM developed detailed construction drawings for the installation of the cables which included horizontal directional drill, railroad plow and open trench. Binkley & Barfield | DCCM acquired all the necessary permits from the County, TxDOT, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad.

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