What would you consider to be your greatest success in using your skills to solve an engineering problem?
I consider my greatest success in using my skills to solve an engineering problem to be designing a 1-mile drainage system requiring an inverted siphon running beneath multiple high-pressure franchise gas lines and a series of open channels for Voestalpine Texas, LLC in Corpus Christi. The project cost $2 million and mitigated the prevalent surface flooding in/around the main buildings.
What is your favorite part of your job?
I think the best part of my job is the challenge of growing the BBI South Texas (Corpus Christi) office and in generating revenue for the company. Also, I highly value customer/client service and like interfacing with business leaders and VIPs in this line of work while fostering and building working relationships.
What personal characteristics do you feel are necessary to be a successful engineer?
The personal attributes and characteristics that are necessary to be a successful engineer are not just the professional education and licensing that are required, but to be teachable and to exhibit a high-level of integrity, ethics, and team spirit to get the job done.
Who is your biggest role model?
My biggest role model is the person who influenced me, raised me, and impacted me the most in my life—my mother. I strive to make her proud on a daily basis.
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